Wednesday, July 31, 2002

For Everyone-Who-Understands, a frighteningly truthful and extremely uncomfortable insight into my psyche.

I'm David!

I'm David, who are you? Six Feet Under Quiz by Turi.

And for Those-Who-Don't-Understand, in the UK anyway, you need to be in front of the TeeVee, Channel Four, 22h30 on a Monday.

Believe me, you will not regret it.
So what happened?

No raging or blowing cataracts and hurricanoes. No sulph'rous and thought-executing fires or oak-cleaving thunderbolts.

Just a few heavy showers. That's all.

I feel cheated somehow.


Tuesday, July 30, 2002


London, with its narrow congested streets, traffic exhaust, over-packed cattle trucks tube trains, and pale-faced natives, is not made for summer.

And now, after three of the hottest and most uncomfortable days in the Big Smoke I can ever remember, it has started to rain!

Rain! Rain! Rain! Wonderful, glorious rain!

We're promised thunderstorms later.

Masses of 'em.

I can't wait!